
Donation List

  • We Dine Together  - Donations to this account will help with the "We Dine Together" which helps students feel included. Help bring kindness into the students lives as students eat lunch together.

  • JROTC Boosters

  • General Athletics

  • Athletic Assistance - Donations to this account help students pay for all or partial athletic fee.

  • Stadium Project

  • Raylene Kennedy Memorial Fund - Mrs. Kennedy was a long time athletic secretary at OCHS.  This fund helps students obtain/pay for athletic equipment.

  • Band Donations

  • Community Donations - These donations help fund Oregon City High School programs where needed.

  • OCHS Scholarships - Donations to this account will go into a scholarship fund for students' college tuition or college supplies.  The scholarship is awarded to seniors at the Evening of Excellence in May each year.

  • Bruce Danielson Memorial Fund - Community member Bruce Danielson was a supporter of OCHS. This fund will help students who cannot afford to pay fees or equipment for an activity or sport.

  • Maralee Karlinger Scholarship

  • Unified Sports

  • Boys Lacrosse

  • Yearbook Donations

  • Volleyball Fundraiser

  • Girls Soccer

  • Boys Soccer

  • Drama Donations

  • Makyla Renee Memorial Scholarship


Instructions for using Online Payment to make a donation.

NOTE:  If you have a student currently attending OCHS, please return to Online Payment using  Parent Instructions.

  1. On the first page of the link create a guest account at

  2. Once account setup and you are logged in, click on the "Items at All Schools" button.

  3. On the next page, click "High School" link.

  4. On the next page, click "Oregon City High School" link.

  5. On the next page, click the "Donations" link.

  6. Locate the program you want to donate to and enter in the desired dollar amount, then click on the "Buy" button.

  7. Next click on the "Checkout" link.

  8. On the Checkout page, click on the "Checkout" button.

  9.  Enter in your credit card information and lastly click on the "Pay Now" button.

Thank you for your donation!